“No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”
CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

Vision & Mission

Mold the students to meet the challenges & exigencies of the dynamic Aviation Industry.

FAA provides quality training education and latest technical aids. Prepare students with professional excellence of service to the industry and assures a promising future in AVIATION.”



With the development of Technology, Civil Aviation Demands more professionalism in handling the Aeroplanes and to fulfil the need of the hour, Flytech Aviation Academy was established in the year 1995 at Hyderabad to bring about quantum improvement in the standards of Flight Training and other specialized Training related to aviation in the country.

In the Hub of India’s Flight Training City for Air India, Jet Airways and Indian Air force, the Flytech Aviation Academy has contributed in setting high standards of aviation training in India, which is approved by Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Ministry of Civil Aviation, and Government of India. The academy has got airfield, airspace and excellent infrastructure for imparting specialized training related to the aviation. 

Flytech Aviation Academy is presently the largest aviation academy in India with a fleet of Fifteen (15) Aircrafts, practical training facilities, flight training space and latest training aids used for education.

We are delighted to say that many of our former students are now holding enviable positions in premier aviation related organizations in India and abroad. They are live testimony to the devotion, determination and diligence, which are the hallmarks of the Flytech Aviation Academy.

With this note of confidence, I warmly welcome you in the world of Aviation and I am sure that you will enjoy the high quality of specified training related to the aviation in Flytech Aviation Academy, which will promote the Aviation Industry and Aeronautical Sciences in India.

Wishing you a Great Career in Aviation. 

Thanks and Regards,

India′s First Women Chief Flying Instructor 
Hyderabad, INDIA


Flytech Aviation Academy is continuously ensuring that regulatory standards mandated by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) are maintained.

With global advancements in technology and the human brain’s ability to constantly challenge itself for better aeronautical design, seamless air navigation and communication technology, complex aviation operations and a ‘borderless’ global aviation eco system that facilitates multi lateral aviation trading, there is a parallel challenge to continuously formulate newer rules and regulations that govern the international space, with zero tolerance to aviation safety.

Today, in view of the above, there is an uncompromising need to train oneself professionally for the aviation industry, by acquiring requisite skill set.

The functional Heads of Flytech’s DGCA approved organizations – i.e Flying Training Organization and its Drone Training Division, Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization, Approved Maintenance Organization, the Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization, Aviation English Language Proficiency Training Organization and Testing Service Provider – are continuously striving to deliver quality services that meet customer satisfaction, and regulatory standards.

Flytech remains committed to contributing to the development of the civil aviation eco system in India. And globally.

Vasanta Guntaka
(Accountable Manager)
Hyderabad, INDIA


Aircraft Fleet

FAA operates single engine Cessna 152 and Cessna 172S aircraft for flying training activities

Training Infrastucture

The Academy today is housed on 120,000 sq ft area with training infrastructure of classrooms, workshops, labs, administrative block.

Hostel & Mess

A spacious and clean canteen managed by a professional caterer provides. Due care is taken to maintain hygienic conditions in the canteen.

Hangar Facilities

Nadargul Airfield – Area of 6000sft appx – is utilized for housing the flying training aircraft fleet. The airfield also houses the HS 125, DC 3 and Beech Baron B 58 aircraft

Sports & Recreation

Sports, physical education and recreation activities to strengthen overall education and unity.

Specialized Services

FAA offers specialized professional services in other aviation related activities like aeromodelling, hobby flying, joy rides, petal dropping, pamphlet dropping.

become an aviation expert with us

It has never been easier to build a career in aviation industry .
Now pick the course as per your dream.